As the business environment rapidly changes for electronic products, we continuously are looking for ways to help customers to tap into new revenue segments. Here are some areas we help customers . We believes that Reverse Logistics is one of the main unexplored areas for potential revenue growth. Here is what a typical reverse logistics supply chain looks like:
1. Commercial Returns
Returns for which there is an immediate demand at another market location or segment. Possible causes: customer dissatisfaction, catalogue sales, overstocks etc. Commercial returns occur in the sales phase or shortly after.
2. Repairable Returns
Defects and suspect components (modules/parts) from field (exchange) repair activities or products under warranty. Customer is entitled to a replacement product.
3. End-of-use Returns
Returned products/components which are not of longer use to the original owner, but for which new customers can be found. Reasons: end-of-season, end-of-lease, trade-in, product replacements etc.
4. End-of-life Returns
Items of no remaining use, which are processed due to contractual or legislative obligations. These returns are often collected and processed according to legislative obligations.
5. Recalls
Products recalled by the manufacturer due to a condition or defect that could affect its safe operation. Work on a recall is completed at no cost to the product owner. Other types of returns, such as refillable units and reusable carriers, are not included in this study.

While each project in reverse logistics is unique given the regulatory, technical and business requirements, we have in the past helped customers achieved the following:
Implemented Brand specific Hard Disk Drive program and saved the customer $ 10 million US dollars.
Implemented Logistics and finance models for duty reduction on parts in and out of Latin America (Brazil) and China.
Cut lead times by 85 percent.
Helped improve fill rates by 7 percent
Increased First Time Fulfillment Rate FTFR by insuring proper parts in stock when needed.
Helped recover up 45 percent of book value on excess material via transparent model.
Please contact us with your questions or requirements.